Every year several nWMO studies are submitted to the DCRF for review. The overview list shows the studies that were submitted to the DCRF for review in 2020 and 2021, as well as the nWMO Advisory Committee that gave advice on the study. When the review is completed, the result (positive or negative) is shown…
About nWMO
Research with people must undergo a medical ethical review when the Medical-Scientific Research with People Act (WMO) applies. In addition, there are many forms of “non-WMO-applicable” research with people for whom there is no legal assessment framework. How do we guarantee the quality of these studies?
The Handbook for the nWMO Assessment Framework contains the agreements regarding the design, standards and procedure for the assessment.
The procedure for submitting the request for advice with the Assessment Framework for non-WMO-sponsored drug research takes place as follows.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have questions about the Testing Framework (Toetsingskader) for non-WMO research? You will find the answers to the frequently asked questions on our website.